Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All this housework, where's the time for crafts?

Jeremy and I are certainly blessed. Not only do we have a wide variety of interests and hobbies, we have a lot of stuff to do it all with. And because our work space is our living space, it can be a challenge to keep order. (This is why I watch Hoarders on TV every chance I get. It keeps me in check.)

Today I spent some time moving some stuff around and getting rid of some stuff. I like my stuff but times change and sometimes you just have to let go. Unburden yourself and make room for new adventures. I try to sort through different areas (drawers, closets) on a regular basis and discard things that are no longer of use. Trash, donate, recycle, whatever it takes. Less stuff means less to clean and frees me up for big creative ideas.

The pets take a lot of time too. They sure do poop a lot ... not that I would want to not have them. They certainly make life interesting. And I have found that if I do not meet their needs quickly enough they will take matters into their own ... um, paws.

I woke up to this a couple weeks ago ... that day I went out and got a child lock for the pantry. I raised two children and I never needed a lock ... Mr. Merlin and his sidekick Black Cat, AKA Bad Kitty are not nearly as well mannered.

So after much cleaning, sorting, vacuuming and pet habitat cleaning, my living space is neat and clean. Tonight I will work on my afghan and watch Lost. Tomorrow I will take some photos of my recent work to post and start a new doll. I have a pattern for a baby and one for a football player. not sure which one I want to do first!

In the meantime, some more photos of my projects.

A pug I made for Jeremy:

My first choker:

The chokers waiting to be finished:

My first baby booties. Converse style. These were a real challenge to make.

A goth doll that I made. (With the cigar box that became my Alice in Wonderland box and Roscoe, tarantula supermodel.

That's all for now ... going to kick back with some double crochet, American Idol and Lost.

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