Friday, May 14, 2010

All these crafts, where's the time for blogging?

I've felt a little tired and sluggish these past couple days ... did some work on my afghan, worked on my Alice box, made my first crocheted baby rattle ... not exactly huge accomplishments but still keeping at it.

I'm taking today off. (Off the crafting train, as I have no "office job" to escape from.) Sometimes it's nice to not have to think about all the projects I have going on and want to either finish or start.

I'm meeting my honey for dinner so I'm going to go visit a yarn store that's down that way. It's Yarn Lady on Lake Forest Drive down in Laguna, for all you south Orange County people. They have all kinds of yarn you can't find at store like Michaels or JoAnn's. Most of it is a little pricey for me but it's still free to look at it and get inspired!!

Then I'm going to walk around The Spectrum and look for summer clothes for our upcoming trip to Vegas! We are only going for two days and I don't really need anything but again, it's fun to look. And as long as I stay out of book stores I probably won't even be tempted to spend any money ... (not to mention I'm reasonably broke ...) but who needs clothes when there is yarn and books and craft supplies to be had?

My afghan currently: All the squares are put together and I am going around it with all the colors. The granny squares were cool to make and I tried to do a lot of different stitches and techniques but I really like to just double crochet. So that's what is going around it. It's going to be a perfect size to cover up while I watch TV on cool nights ... not that we get many of those in Southern California.

My Siamese kitty baby rattle. Using safety parts so babies can actually play with it. This was pretty quick to make up even though I always have trouble with getting the ears to match. And I've been told this looks like everything from a mouse to a dog so if you don't see a cat don't feel bad. It's not just you.

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